Archive for 2013

Babe Ruth In a New Ad

65 years after his passing and Ruth is still showing up in Ads! Most recently, Jockey used Babe for their newest commercial (you can see him at the 9 second mark in the below video). Jockey’s positioning of Babe as the “man’s man” from the past, supports […]

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This Day in Babe Ruth History: May 6th

On May 6th, 1917, 21-year old pitcher Babe Ruth of the Boston Red Sox out-dueled pitching legend, Walter Johnson of the Washington Senators. The final score was 1-0 in favor of the Sox, with Babe driving in the only run. Over the course of their pitching match-ups, […]

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Personal Babe Ruth Story From a Fan

This anecdote of the Babe came in from BRC fan, William: A young lad named Henry was standing outside of Briggs stadium, in Detroit, and the Yankees were in town. The game had finished and young Henry along with another boy were standing at the fence that […]

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This Day in Babe Ruth History – April 18th

Hello BRC Fans! Today marks a very significant day and milestone in Babe Ruth history. 90 years ago today, on April 18th, 1923, the original Yankee Stadium opened to its fans for the first time. Fittingly, the first game played in Yankee Stadium was against the Boston […]

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Today’s Quote About Babe Ruth

Sportswritee Tommy Holmes once said about the Babe: “Some 20 years ago, I stopped talking about the Babe for the simple reason that I realized that those who had never seen him didn’t believe me.”

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From a Young Fan: Babe Ruth Report and His New Babe Ruth Inspirations Shirt

Recently, proud mom Angela reached out to us to share her son Andrew’s report for school, titled “George (Babe) Ruth-The Best Baseball Player of All Time”, as well as his new Babe Ruth Inspirations Tshirt from BRC that got him extra credit! From Angela, “It was great! […]

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Children’s Author Matt Tavares on his new book: “Becoming Babe Ruth”

Babe Ruth Central recently connected with children’s author, Matt Tavares, whose latest book is about the Babe. Matt is also the author of the children’s books: “Henry Aaron’s Dream”, “There Goes Ted Williams”, as well as award-winning, “Helen’s Big World” about Helen Keller. “Becoming Babe Ruth” focuses […]

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This Day in Babe Ruth History: March 6th

This day in Ruth History: On March 6th, 1922, Babe Ruth signed an agreement with Colonel Ruppert and the Yankees for $52,000 per year. This deal was struck after Babe’s amazing 1921 season – .378 batting average, 59 homeruns, 171 RBIs and 204 hits. With this contract, […]

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Quote about the Babe from Reggie Jackson

Here’s a quote we found from Reggie Jackson regarding the great Bambino: “There will never be another Babe Ruth. He was the greatest home run hitter who ever lived. They named a candy bar after him.”

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Ruth Family Collection: Ty Cobb Letter to Babe Ruth

The Ruth Family has shared a very cool piece of memorabilia with BRC to show to its fans. It’s a letter from Ty Cobb to the Babe dated November 19, 1947, a point in time in which Ruth was regularly in and out of the hospital for […]

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